HRM Soccer Fields Location
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CISL Field Directions

(Bracketed abbreviations indicate program code name)


Halifax Region:

Prospect Road ES (Prspct) 2199 Prospect Road.

Behind Prospect Rd. Elementary School on the Prospect Rd (Hwy 333) at Brookside. Past the Exhibition Grounds approximately 9 Km's

Brookside JH (Bside) 2239 Brookside Road.

Behind Brookside Junior High on the Prospect Rd (Hwy 333) at Brookside. This is the bigger of the two Brookside fields. Past the Exhibition Grounds approximately 9 Km's.

Clayton Park JH (Clprk) 45 Plateau Crescent.

Beside Clayton Park Jr. High School on Plateau Cres. off Clayton Park Drive in the Clayton Park area of Halifax.

Ecole Beaubassin (Beaubs) 54 Larry Uteck Blvd.

Bedford Highway to Larry Uteck Blvd near the Bluenose Motel.

Fairview JH (Fair) 155 Rosedale Ave.

Fairview Jr. High School at the corner of Rosedale and Gesner St. in Fairview. Dutch Village Rd to top of Frederick Ave. Straight ahead.

George Dixon Center SF (Dixon)

Behind George Dixon Center on Brunswick, near North St.

Herring Cove JH (HCJH) - 7 Lancaster Dr.

Herring Cove Road toward Ketch Harbour. At Hebridean Drive, turn left toward Herring Cove village. Take first right onto Lancaster. Field is behind school on right.

J. L. Ilsley HS (JLI) 38 Sylvia Ave.

Herring Cove Road past South Center Mall to left on Sylvia Ave. behind J. L. Ilsley High School

J. Albert Walker SF (Walker)

Between the two ball diamonds behind Chebucto Heights School @ 230 Cowie Hill Rd.

Mainland Common 1 & 2 SF (Main 1, Main 2) 210 Thomas Raddall Dr.

Dunbrack to Lacewood to Thomas Raddall Dr. Fields are behind Subway Indoor Facility.

Ridgecliffe MS (Rcliff) 35 Beech Tree Run.

From Halifax, take exit 2A from the 103 or proceed out St. Margaret's Bay road from Armdale Rotary. Continue 1 Km past the lights at the entrance of Bayers Lake park on Route 3. Turn left onto Beech Tree Run.

Rockingstone Heights ES (Rock) 1 Regan Dr.

Herring Cove Road past South Centre Mall to right on Greystone. School at top of hill.

Sir John A MacDonald HS (SJA) 66 Hubley Rd.

Hgwy 103 to Exit 4, left 2.5 km to Ricardo's Market, and then look for Sir JA School sign on left. Slow for left across old railway crossing, left about 7 houses to school driveway.

St. Francis SF ( St.Fra.) 5985 Inglis St.

Behind Inglis St Community School at the corner of Robie St. and Inglis St. in Halifax's South End.

Stanley Park SF (Stanle) Tamarack Dr.

Northwest Arm Drive to Osbourne St, right on Tamarac Dr. to field on right.

Tantallon JH (Tantal) 3 French Village Station Rd.

Behind Tantallon Jr. High School between Exit 5 from Highway 103 and Highway 3. Turn left off Exit 5, turn right 1 mile at crosswalk at French Village Station Rd to school.

St. Stephens ES (St.Ste) 3669 Highland Ave.

St. Stephen's School at the corner of Highland and Normandy St. in Halifax's North End. Take Robie North from Lady Hammond Rd to right on Normandy 2 blocks to school.

Timberlea SF (Timber) - James St.

Take exit 3 (Timberlea) off the 103. Proceed 1.6 KM's to junction 3. Turn left on route 3 (West) and proceed 2.4 Km's. Turn left onto Roland Avenue (note - there is a small white sign with a red school bus on the right hand side just before the turn off). Proceed straight on James St .2 Km and turn left. Field behind school.

Tremont SF (Trem1 or 2)

Dunbrack to Knghtsridge left to Trailwood Ct. off Flamingo Dr. in Rockingham. OR Bedford Highway north from MacKay Bridge. Left on Flamingo Dr. to the top of the hill. Right onto Trailwood Ct. to parking area (near Knightsridge Dr. off Dunbrack St.).

Glenbourne SF (Glen)

Dunbrack to Lacewood (toward Bayers Lake) to Parkland, field parking lot on right about 1 Km. Field is up the path at the top of the parking lot.

Westmount ES (West) - 6700 Edward Arab Ave.

Bayers Road to George Dauphinee Ave to Edward Arab. Saint Margarets Bay.

Wickwire Field (Wick)

On South Street at Dalhousie Campus between Sherriff Hall and Dal Arena.

Cole Harbour District:

Auburn Dr HS (Auburn) 300 Auburn Dr.

Behind Auburn Drive High School, off Auburn Drive from Forest-Hills Parkway (the Forest-Hills Parkway runs between Cole Harbour Rd. and Main St., extending across Main to the Hwy 107 bypass, to Burnside and Hwy 118).

Graham Creighton JH (Grcrtn) 72 Cherry Brook Rd.

Main St to Black Cultural Center. Left on Cherry Brook. School on left.

Ross Road ES (Ross) 336 Ross Rd.

Follow Portland St. in Dartmouth out to Cole Harbour Rd. When out of Cole Harbour, take left turn onto Ross Road. School is about 3 km in on the right. Field is at rear of School. OR Main St. in Dartmouth out to #7 Hwy (#7 Bypass intersects here at PetroCan, XL, and ESSO). After two more sets of lights and Wilsons, Ross Rd turns off to right. School will be about 5.6 km on the left.

Scotia SF (Scotia)

In valley behind Cole Harbour Place on the Forest-Hills Parkway.

Sir Robert Borden JH (Sir) 16 Evergreen Dr.

Beside Sir Robert Borden Jr. High School on Hugh Allen Dr. in Cole Harbour, off Cole Harbour Rd.

Wagner SF (Wagner)

In valley behind Cole Harbour Place on the Forest-Hills Parkway.

Dartmouth District:

Beazeley SF (Beaze)

From Halifax, MacKay Bridge to Circumferential Highway, past Burnside Industrial Park, through the Mic Mac ParClo to #7 Highway (this is also Main St.). Up Main St. to Caledonia Road, left at lights by Chebucto Ford - few hundred meters and field is on the left.

Brownlow SF (Brown)

Follow Circumferential Highway from Burnside/MicMac area toward Eastern Passage. Take exit at Penhorn Mall - the field is behind the Penhorn Mall rear parking lot (behind Sears).

Burnside SF (Burn)

On Hwy. to/from McKay Bridge, take Burnside Drive Exit, right towards Burnside. Turn right at second set of lights, right again into Leon's parking lot. For Burnside Exit off Hwy 118, ends up just before the stop lights.

Ecole Bios Joli (Joli) 211 Portage Ave.

East on Main Street (Highway 7), turn left on to Caledonia Road at lights by Chebucto Ford. At the second stop sign (about 2 km), turn right onto Avenue du Portage. Drive about 1 km. The field is behind Ecole Carrefour on the left. OR, take Braemar Drive from MicMac Parclo to lights at foot of Montebello Drive (by Tim Horton's). Montebello turns into Avenue Du Portage at second stop sign at intersection with Caledonia Road. Continue as above.

Ellenvale JH (Ellen) 88 Bellevista Dr.

Main St. to lights by Chebucto Ford, right onto Woodlawn Rd., left onto Mt. Edward Road. Next right at stop sign onto Spring Avenue. Field is behind the school on right hand side; corner of Spring and Bella Vista Drive.

Eric Graves JH (Eric) 70 Dorothea Dr.

Off Portland St/Cole Harbour Rd., turn left onto Dorothea Drive. Follow road through two stop signs. Up hill look for Eric Graves School on left. Field is behind the school.

Harbourview ES (Hbrvw) 25 Alfred St.

Northeast on Victoria Road towards Burnside. Turn left at lights onto Albro Lake Road and take the first right on Catherine Street. Proceed to end of Catherine Street, where you will see the field beside Harbourview School.

Ira Settle SF (Ira)

From Main St. in Dartmouth, at lights for Kmart/MT Belly, turn left past PetroCan. Right on 1st St, second left onto Raymond Street, second right at Valleyfield. Field is on the right.

Micmac 1 & 2 SF ( Mic 1&2)

From Circumferential Highway take exit to MicMac Mall. Follow MicMac Blvd to second set of lights, turn right onto street behind the Mall. Fields are opposite the ball fields at the top of the hill. OR Follow Victoria Road, left off the MacDonald Bridge. Turn right onto Woodland Ave., follow Woodland up the hill to the lights at MicMac - turn right into Mic Mac fields area.

Montebello SF (Mbello)

East on Main Street - left at Caledonia Rd lights (Chebucto Ford). Straight through two stops signs (apprx. 2km). Left on Appian Way (Keystone Village Sign). Field on left at Montebello Park on the road by the mailbox and the path.

Oceanview ES (Ocean) Oceanview School Rd.

Follow Pleasant St. to Eastern Passage, past Refinery, left onto Cow Bay Rd. at curve. Follow Cow Bay Rd to Caldwell Road. Turn right, follow Caldwell past Fire Hall. Turn right to Oceanview School Rd. Field is behind school.

Portland Estates P3 ES (Prtlnd) 45 Portland Hills Dr.

Portland St to right on Portland Estates Blvd. Go to end of street, left on Portland Hills Drive. School on right.

Seaside ES (EPJH) 1881 Caldwell Rd.

To Eastern Passage (see Oceanview directions above). Just past fire hall and Oceanview Manor. Field is behind Jr. High School.

CFB Shearwater SF

South on Pleasant St. (or end of Circumferential Highway 111) past Esso/Imperial Oil Refinery. Just past the overpass, turn left onto Corsair Dr. Turn right onto Banshee Ave. and right again onto Swordfish Dr. Take the first left past the gym and the rink. The field is just through the gates on the right.

Tallahassee Community School (Tlhsse) 168 Redoubt Way

Follow Pleasant St. to Eastern Passage, past Refinery, left onto Cow Bay Rd. at curve. Follow Cow Bay Rd to Caldwell Road. Turn right and follow Caldwell.

Shannon Park (Shanno)

Adjacent to the McKay Bridge off Iroquois Dr. in North End Dartmouth. Last exit at bridge (first from Halifax). Take exit to Shannon Park at stop sign, past CANEX, behind the school.

Chester District:

Chester Area MS (CAMS)

On the Campus of Chester Area Middle School on Duke St. in Chester.

Forrest Heights DHS (Forest)

Beside Forrest Heights School, 3 km north on Route 12 from Exit 9 off Hwy 103 near Chester.

Scotia District:

Ash Lee Jefferson (ASHLEE) 10 Lockview Rd.

Take Hwy 102 to Fall River (Inn On The Lake). North on Hwy 2 about 1.5 to Sobey's. Left onto Fall River Road. At the top of the hill (just before GP Vanier), turn right onto Lockview Road and go about 50 meters.

Beaverbank/Kinsac ES (Beaver) 28 Kinsac Rd.

Beaverbank Road to Kinsac Rd, civic # 28.

Bedford JH (BJHS) 132 Rocky Lake Dr.

Bedford Highway to Rocky Lake Drive, civic #123.

C. P. Allen HS (CPA) 196 Rocky Lake Dr.

Next to C. P. Allen High School on Duke St. off Rocky Lake Dr. in Bedford.

Purl E Gilby SF (Gilby)

Beaverbank Road to Davis Dr.

George P. Vanier JH (GPV) 1410 Fall River Rd.

Take Hwy 102 to Fall River (Inn On The Lake). North on Hwy 2 about 1.5 km to Sobey's. Left onto Fall River Road. Go to top of hill.

H T Barrett JH (HTB) 862 Beaverbank Road.

5.4km from Beaverbank Road, Sackville Dr intersection. Look for school sign.

Lockview HS (Lock) 148 Lockview Rd.

Take Hwy 102 to Fall River (Inn On The Lake). North on Hwy 2 about 1.5 to Sobey's. Left onto Fall River Road. At the top of the hill (just before GP Vanier), turn right onto Lockview Road.

Monarch Drive ES (Monarc) 1 Majestic Ave.

Off Beaverbank Road to Majestic Ave, to end of road by school.

Range Park (Range)

Beside the Bedford Hwy, at the junction of the Bicentennial Highway in Bedford. Behind the Bedford Community Ctr and The Legion.

Weir (Weir)

Towards Middle Sackville on Sackville Dr. About 7.2 km past Kent Building Ctr. Look for sign on left hand side of the road.

Sackville District:

A.J. Smeltzer JH (Ajsmel) 46 Prince St.

From intersection of Hwy 1 and Cobequid Road in Lower Sackville, travel about 1 km west on Hwy 1 (Sackville Drive). Turn right onto Skyridge Avenue and after travelling 0.7 km turn left onto Prince Street. School is on left after about 200 metres.

Cavalier Drive ES (Cavali) 116 Cavalier Dr.

Beside Cavalier Dr. School on Cavalier Dr., off First Lake Drive in Lower Sackville.

Metropolitan SF (Metro)

Metropolitan Athletic Field on Metropolitan Ave., off Glendale Ave in Lower Sackville.

Sackville HS (Sack) 1 Kingfisher Way.

Cobequid Rd or Beaverbank Road to Glendale. School is beside Sackville Sports Complex.

Sackville Heights JH (SHJH) 956 Sackville Dr.

Just past intersection at Beaverbank Road.

East Hants District:

East Hants DHS (East)

Hwy # 102 to Exit 9 (Milford). East to Hwy #2. Left on #2 approx 0.5 km. Field can be seen from road.

Elmsdale SF (Elsmda)

Take Hwy #102, take exit # 8 Elmsdale, turn left 2nd set of lights on #2 hwy, approx 10 km., blue recreation sign.

Enfield Lions' Den SF (Enfiel)

Hwy # 102 to Exit 7 (Enfield). Follow Hwy #2 approx. 2 km into Enfield, left onto Renfrew Road. Follow across #102 (keep right), approx 1 km from #102. Field is on the left.

Lantz Recreation SF (Lantz)

Take Hwy #102, take exit # 8 Elmsdale, turn left 2nd set of lights on #2 hwy, approx 10 km., blue recreation sign. Turn left on dirt rd. to field

Milford Rec. SF (Milfrd)

Hwy #102 to Exit #9 (Milford). East to Hwy #2. Right on #2 approx 0.5 km. Field is on the right behind the Milford Rec. Ctr., which is behind the Fire Hall.

Riverside MS (Rside)

Take Hwy #102, take exit # 9, Milford, East to Hwy # 2, Right on # 2, approx 2 km. Field is on right behind Riverside Middle School.

Shubenacadie SF (Shuben)

Highway 102 north. Take EXIT 10 - Shubenacadie. Turn right (east) onto Highway 215. Travel 3 km. Field is on right (south). OR Hwy #102 to Exit 9 (Milford). East to Hwy #2. Left on #2 approx. 4 km to Shubenacadie. Left on Maitland Rd (10 o'clock road). for about 1 km. Field is on left behind Fire Hall.